I just realized that today, June 29, 2010, which is a feast day of St. Peter and St. Paul for Catholics and it is also an important milepost day for me personally. On June 29, 1950, when I was 15 years old, I was baptized to be a catholic by Father W. W. Cheng along with a few others. Yes, it’d been 60 years. Oh how times fly! Over the years, I have been deeply faithful, I have been crudely indifferent, I have been practicing, I have been non-practicing, but through it all, I have always firmly kept my catholic faith and maintained my catholic identity even during the years when I was not practicing. I don’t think that’s anything I can claim credit for but clearly something I have to be grateful to God’s mercy that He did not abandon me throughout all these years. May be the last part of Reading II in today’s mass, 2Tim 4:17-18, is pertinent :
And I was rescued from the lion’s mouth.
The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat
and will bring me safe to his heavenly Kingdom.
To him be glory forever and ever.